My entire career, I've been dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion, especially within the Hard-Of-Hearing community, I took a specific interest in this community when I realized how limited the resources for the Hard-Of-Hearing individual were, I have since committed myself to creating and editing resources to help myself and other individual succeed and embrace their hearing uniqueness.
   I earned but my associate and bachelor degree in psychology before completing, my Master of social work. I built a long lasting skills to be able to worth as a leader of Hard-Of-Hearing community, Since 2018, I have been working as a behaviour Health clincion.

Number of Happy Clients

Coaching Certifications

Number of Goals Achieved

What my clients have to say

Moody approach was excellent. She did a great job in organizing the course, with the right approach for the students, and women which led to some impressive results in my career.
Rob Stevens
She is an amazing Women advocate. I admire her a lot as an consultant and as a teacher too.
Julia Stobbard
I am simply amazed with how She managed to lead me to achieving some things that I've been failing to achieve by myself for so many years. I can't wait to see what happens next...

Kaisha Salas

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